Capacity and skill development is the most important to achieve better performance. Without developing capacity and skill nobody can do anything. Training is a strong weapon to skill and capacity development of human resources. Considering the fact, SARPV initiates capacity and skill development unit with its development interventions. This unit is contributing for capacity development of professionals and human resource development.

Training Center

SARPV has been operating three “SARPV Training Centers in short (STC) in different three locations.

STC cum-guest house Chakaria

STC-Chakaria is contributing for capacity development of professionals as well as providing residential facilities for development practitioners and visitors. It has a conference hall for 40 participants and AC and non-AC guest rooms with 40 bed coverage for dormitory support with dining and entertainment facilities. It has been operating in the location of the central point of Chakaria pourasava which is at secured place with congenial environment. We are committed to deliver the quality services by maintaining highly standards in order to our guest’s satisfaction.

STC Cox’s bazar sadar

STC Cox’sbazar sadar is located on the roadside of Chittagong-Cox’s bazar highway near link road (Rubber dam) point of Cox’sbazar sadar with congenial environment. It is a nonresidential training center which has 30 participants coverage training room.

STC Kapasia, Gazipur

STC Kapasia is located at the Kapasia–Kaligonj road side with congenial environment at Tilsunia village under Chandpur Union of Kapasia Upazilla under Gazipur district. It is a nonresidential training center which coverage 30 to 35 participants with food and snacks support. There is a guest room for two single beds for course facilitators with attached bathroom.