Objectives of the program: Contribution to SDG

1. To minimize the attitudinal Gap of the society on disability.
2. To maximize the empowerment of people with disabilities.
3. To promote the accessibility of people with disabilities into the services.
4. To sensitize the duty bearers of Govt. Local govt. and non govt. service providers.

Geographical Coverage: Dhaka & Cox’s Bazar District

This program will influence policies and practices affecting PwDs, by developing more inclusive communication and promoting rights-based approaches that take into account the needs and opinions of grassroots PwDs. PwDs also have a right to information about services and policies that affect them. This can only be achieved through the development of an enabling environment: through the development of democratic, representative disability movements in developing countries, through advocacy which upholds human rights and through pluralistic media which portrays accurately grassroots perspectives on PwDs and effective questioning of government policies.

SARPV plans, designs and implements all its intervention ensuring the disability inclusion and working as a bridge for PwDs to avail their rights and to raise their own problems to the respective service providers.

Mainstreaming-DisabilitVery Recently SARPV has proceeding with a voice that those who are person with severe disability and not capable to work and even about the senior citizen those who build this nation. Govt. can take an initiative to allocate pension so that they are not been dependent on any others of the family.

The following activities were done in last year for ensuring Mainstreaming Disability within the society.

• Discontinuation of mainstreaming process after accomplishing any project/program.
• Unintentional ignorance during
• Committed and dedicated groups are rare as most of this sounds raised by the donors supports when the donor support is stopped than this voice also get lost.

Need to develop self-help group and need to involve in the manifesto the political party’s so that in absence of the foreign and donor support this party can carry out this humanitarian voice for the people those who are being excluded from the mainstream of the community