Goal:Prevent disability due to rickets especial consideration to childhood disability prevention.
I. Ensure early identification of Rickets and provide required service according to need.
II. Advise nutritional support.
III. Ensure surgery

Geographical Coverage: Chakaria, Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Moheshkhali, Ramu, Ukhia, Pekua, Lohagara, Anwara, Bashkhali

Targeted Population: Rickets, Clubfoot, Cerebral Palsy and Other types of Children with disability
Beneficiaries Coverage: 10399 CwD (4578 Girls & 5821 Boys)
Funding Agency: AMD-KDM
Total 1684 (Boy:1046, Girl: 638) Rickets patients were treated last year. 25% of this total that is 419 (Boy: 253, Girl:166) were newly identified patient rest all (126 5(Boy: 793, Girl:472)) were follow up patient.
Number of Rickets Children got service in 2020-2021
891 clubfoot (Boy: 544, Girl: 347) children were treated last year among them 121 (B: 79, G: 42) were new rest all were follow-up patients.
Number of Clubfoot Children got service in 2020-2021
in 2020-2021 total 2391 CP patients got treatment. among them 568 (Boy: 336, Girl:232) children were newly identified and 1823 (Boy: 1137, Girl: 686) got follow-up treatment.
Treatment for Other type of Disability in 2020-2021
in 2020-2021 Total 5433 children with disability got treatment service among them 2364 were new (B: 1367, G:997) & 3069 (B:1391, G:1678) were follow-up patients.
in 2020-2021 43 surgery were accomplished. 9 for Rickets, 24 for Clubfoot and 10 for other type of disabilities.

Success Story of Jahangir Alom (HYPERLINK)