Integrated Nutrition Intervention (INI) to address under nutrition among vulnerable populations in Rohingya makeshift camp

To reduce the prevalence of under nutrition among children aged 6-59 months and among pregnant and lactating women (PLW) to break intergenerational cycle of malnutrition through combination of preventive and curative approach.


  • Increase program coverage.
  • Find children with SAM.
  • Find children with MAM.
  • Find acutely malnourished PLW.
  • Follow up children who have may be absent or defaulted and continuous screening.
  • Understand reasons for absence and default so that they can be addressed.
  • Promote strong links between prevention and treatment so that the underlying causes can also be addressed.
  • Reduce the SAM & MAM cases.

Geographical Coverage:
Camp 4 in Ukhiya upazila, Raja Palong union. GPS Coordinates are: (Site 1: 21.213310; 92.143900 & Site 2: 21.204182; 92.143526)

Funding Agency: UNHCR & WFP Service received from this project

i. Under 5 OTP children: 206
ii. Under 5 TSFP children: 1602
iii. Under 5 BSFP children: 1935
iv. TSFP Pregnant and Lactating Women: 94
v. BSFP Pregnant and Lactating Women: 2087
vi. Over 5 SAM beneficiaries: 38
vii. CMAMI: 222
viii. IYCF 1v1 Counselling: 1627
ix. IFA PLW (newly admitted and receiving): 950
x. IFA Adolescent (newly admitted and receiving): 2930


We are also completed Vitamin A Campaign (VAS), MASS Screening, Beneficiary database in electric format, and Deworming Campaign in our sites and some activities had to stopped due to COVID-19 pandemic, and restriction. That’s why we can’t start/ complete some activities like Community dialogues session, MtMSG session, Cooking demonstration, Recipe development session, Health education (BCC session), and GMP Counselling


  • Volunteer drop out was a big challenge for us. Due to low wage than other sector, volunteers are frequently left the job.
  • Due to Covid-19 we can’t run our integrated program fully & continuing the sites with minimum staffs and roaster due to COVID-19.
  • Condition of sites are challenge for us to carry on our activities during windy/rain season.
  • Completing mass screening within deadline was too much challenging for us but we completed successfully.
  • Due to double ration, it was so challenging to bring them IYCF and CMAMI beneficiaries for follow-up visit.
  • Sensitization of the key member of the family is challenging as its community dialogue session is not allow right now.
  • There are many mothers who memorize what nurse counselled when they come for follow-up visit, they recite what they memorized.
  • Maintaining social distance is still challenging but we are trying to ensure it.
  • Relocation of beneficiaries was a challenge.
  • Maintaining hygiene in household level of beneficiaries is too much challenging for us.
  • Properly identifying child exchanging by the beneficiary for the measurement was the most challenging part was the center
  • Completion of VAS was too much challenging for us on this lockdown.
  • Properly identifying child exchanging by the beneficiary for the measurement was the most challenging part was the center.


  • How to remove fake admission from the beginning have learnt how to track all the beneficiaries by household.
  • We have learnt how we can track easily absent, MUAC loss & Static MUAC beneficiary.
  • We are tracking the mothers (who memorized and recite but not practice what have counselled) and conducting special follow-up and concentration.
  • We have managed two non-breastfed children. It was very difficult to manage and sensitize wet nurse.
  • We have learnt how to work with minimum staff due to rostering schedule.

Success Story of Md. Yusuf (HYPERLINK)