Integrated Nutrition Interventions for Malnutrition Treatment and Prevention in Rohingya Camps, Cox’s Bazar

Goal: To provide nutritional support to the children aged under 5 years, pregnant & lactating women and adolescent girls


1. To reduce excess mortality and morbidity among boys and girls under 5 years old, PLW and other vulnerable groups through provision of life-saving interventions to treat Severe and Moderate Acute Malnutrition
2. To reduce the burden of malnutrition among boys, girls, PLWs and other vulnerable groups through the strengthening and scale up of malnutrition prevention interventions

Geographical Coverag;

Camp 5 (21.20361, 92.14888), Camp 6 (21.20592, 92.15771), Camp 8W-Site1(21.19583,92.14916), Camp 8W Site 2 (21.19694, 92.15305), Camp 10- Site-1 (21.18776, 92.15256), Camp 10-Site-2 (21.19138, 92.15194)

Targeted Population:
0-59 months child, adolescent girls and Pregnant & Lactating mothers.

Beneficiaries Coverage:
i. OTP beneficiaries: 2013
ii. TSFP (child) beneficiaries: 7636
iii. BSFP (child) beneficiaries: 28025
iv. TSFP (PLW) beneficiaries: 601
v. BSFP (PLW) beneficiaries: 7675
vi. Adolescent girls: 21359

Funding Agency: UNICEF & WFP


i. 1580 child cured from SAM in OTP (90.3%)
ii. 5499 children cured from MAM in TSFP (91.3%)
iii. 355 PLW cured from MAM in TSFP (94.7%)


• Fire incident in Camp 8W hampered the community activities
• Crowd controlling was very much challenging due to the lack of awareness among the community people.
• Due to COVID-19, some activities have not been started yet such as GMP activities, community sessions etc.


• How to work in such a contagious pandemic situation in community level
• Maintaining social distancing during COVID-19
• Providing immediate response after the fire incident in camp 8W

Glimpse of the Project

Success Story: of Ajida (HYPERLINK)