Education is one of the prime fundamental human rights. For mainstreaming people with disabilities ensure their education is one of the key components. But the scope of education for children with disabilities in Bangladesh is still very limited. SARPV starts its education program from last 13 years and gradually expands the programs with different approaches

Goal: Quality Primary Education for all

• Ensure the enrollment of Children with disabilities in primary within existing scope and setup.
• Mobilizing the community and the stakeholders like School Management Committees, Head Teachers and concerned officer/s of Upazila Education Office.
• Providing technical, sponsorship, scholarship and direct assistance to children with disabilities and their parents to encourage enrollment in schools.
• Develop early childhood development centers and informal education support centers to reduce the complexity in relation to ensuring education of children with disabilities

Objectives of the program: Contributing to SDG’s goal
1. To ensure Inclusive Primary Education
2. To ensure education for the school dropout children of the society
3. To create interest among the children so that they come to school
4. To ensure fear-free environment for the pre-schooling.