Rights are the most significant weapon of human beings to live accordingly in the society. But it is hindering due to some limitations of social, cultural, administrative and political aspects. Lack of rules of law, malpractices as well as irregularities of some contexts, the citizens usually cannot avail their rights and dignity in the society. Our leaders have no social and moral commitments in reality; in this context the rules of law are hindering. The rights are always ignored and the victims are also deprived from different services. As a result the vulnerable, marginalized and excluded communities cannot fulfill their needs in the society. Considering the situation SARPV initiated Rights and Advocacy Program in its intervened area.
SARPV dreams of a barrier free society where Persons with Disabilities as well as marginalized community can reach their full potentials and enjoy equal rights and opportunities in society. To achieve the goal, the organization emphasizes the responsiveness of the government, non-government and local government bodies, civil society and so on to ensure the accessibility to services of PwDs as well as the excluded communities.
PwDs are exposed to social stigma and stereotypes within their communities. The general attitudes of the duty bearers of GO and NGO, Professionals, LEB and other stakeholders towards PwDs is not positive from community level to national level. Mass People as well as duty bearers often don’t consider that people with disability is the active part of society. They seem to be concerned about the issue of welfare, health or charity rather than focusing on their disability and development. Research and experience has shown that if PwDs receive appropriate support to explore their abilities, they can become involved and contribute to the development process.
Goal of this program:
To promote the rights and dignity of poor, excluded and marginalized communities
Component /Campaign under this Program:
- Combat Violence against Women supported by MJF
- Equality through Dignity (Morjadai Gori Samata) supported by MJF
- Geographical Coverage: Nationwide.
Compliance with SDG:

Challenge Faced:
- A very few people even govt. duty bearers maintain the “Building code” during infrastructure development and housing construction which hinders the physical accessibility of PwDsGenerally the PwDs are the most vulnerable group in the societal context; their survival issues are the most important as well as prioritized to them; rights concerns are less important to them
- Due to the lack of ram and or lift the accessibility has been reduced into the service providing departments, as a result the PwDs can not avail their needed services as well as their rights
- Continuous Political confrontation, Strikes, terrorism and violence affected our activities. These unexpected issues become as threat in the human lives and livelihoods
- Due to climate change and environment crisis it was continuation of excessive rainfall. As a result flash flood and inundation dipped the working area and limits the movement of the people.
- Demand of the beneficiaries for profession based long term V ocational or skill development training to engage with IGA
- Demand is more but allocation is limited for Assistive device support from the Project
Lessons learnt
- Sensitization of duty bearers either Local Government, Govt. bodies and or others can uphold the promote of the rights of PwDs as well as marginalized communities
- Develop and maintain the personal and professional/working relationships as well as strong coordination with the respective authority either Government, Local govt. and so on make easy to achieve the target.
- Rights and Dignity is not achievable without Education
- Need based, supportive and qualitative works spread out the reputation of implementing organization as well as donor organization rather than routine wise quantitative activities implementation among the Professionals, LEB, Govt. bodies and even mass people.
- Sensible duty bearers creates a great scope of works in favor of Pwds
- Women with Disabilities are the victims of double discriminations and acute vulnerable in the concurrent societal context of our country
- It is essential to raise more awareness among the disabled adolescent girls and their parents to reduce violence against women
- It is very essential the integration as well as taking proper initiatives by different professionals, departments and duty bearers for mainstreaming the people with disability.
Story1: Khuruskul Union Parishad: A disability sensitized UP:
According to WHO 10% of total population is Person with disability (PwD). Generally PwDs are the most vulnerable community in the society. They are so much neglected in all aspects in the society. As a result they can not avail their rights and fail to live with dignity. Though our constitution, UNCRPD and Disability Rights and Protection Law-2013 ensure the rights of PwDs but it is on the documentary rights, not in reality. SARPV is a development organization which has been devoted to promote the rights of marginalized and vulnerable communities in the society since 1991. SARPV is emphasizing the disabilities issues in all of its development interventions. It has been implementing “Mainstreaming the Person with Disabilities in the society (MPDS) project from 2006 to 2013 and “Promotion of Rights and Dignity of Person with Disabilities (PRDPD) project” from 2013 to 2016 supported by MJF in Cox’s bazar and Gazipur district to promote the Rights and Dignity of Persons with disabilities.

Generally the Union Parishad and other Local Govt. Institutions are the pro peoples Institutions. The motto of all LGI/UP is to serve the people. Central govt. provides the services through local elected bodies i.e. LGI to the mass people of rural as well as urban area. Khuruskul is a union of Cox’s bazar Sadar Upazila which is administering the Khuruskul UP. SARPV is working closely with Khuruskul UP from 2006 to till under MPDS and PRDPD Project to address the disabilities issues. The motto of SARPV was to develop the UP as a disability friendly UP and the success of SARPV is almost completed in this regard. Now Khuruskul UP is working as a disability friendly UP in the area. This UP is providing all sorts of support regarding disability issues. Every year during the budgeting period they allocate special fund to address the disability issues, prioritize the PwDs in social protection program, widow allowance, old aged, maternal, disability allowance etc. enlisted the PwDs in UP standing committees, create disability friendly environment in UP, enrollment of disable children in school or madrasha, gift of sewing machines, special support for IGA etc. It is our great achievement that the ex-chairman and running chairman of Khuruskul UP is very much sensitive to disability issues. In this regard it has become easy to develop the UP. In 2009 UP office has been transferred to its new building and old building has been handed over for the welfare of the PwDs by the name of “Khuruskul Disability Complex” by UP resolution. Ruling chairman of that period played a vital role in this regard. A federal committee of PwDs took the responsibility to run the complex to develop the PwDs by the support of SARPV. Running chairman continued his efforts to run well the complex like as: renovation, night guard support, increase sewing machines for IGA etc. From 2012 the UP has been allocating 2% of collected revenue in favor of PwDs. This fund is using for PwDs. Total UP is playing a favorable role for PwDs. Some IGA projects have been implemented by trained PwDs by the financial support of MPDS and PRDPD Projects.
SARPV provided different types of orientation to the duty bearers of Union Parishad, regular and close contact with them, organize meeting, workshop, sharing sessions etc. to sensitize the UP and work by proactive role for PwDs. As a result this UP has become a good friend of PwDs as well as SARPV.
“Khuruskul Disability Complex” has become as a turning point of PwDs of the area. It has been using as the Office of Khuruskul Union Cooperative of the Disabled (CDP) as well as community center. A mini a garment has been operating here and 12 women with disabilities work for their IGA by the guidance of Khuruskul CDP. It remains open six days in a week and the PwDs visit the center for their meeting, sharing and amusement. In reality it has become the development cum communication center of PwDs by the support of SARPV as well as Khuruskul UP.
Goal: Rights to life
Do advocacy at the different level with different stakeholders for ensuring participation of PwDs in the development process and also ensuring their access to the service delivery. Maintain lobby with the policy makers and develop network with like-minded
- NGOs to ensure equal participation of PwDs in the mainstreaming life
- Promote awareness training programs regarding the rights of persons with disabilities
- Sensitize the media to focus the capabilities and contributions of PwDs.