Vacancy Announcement
Position Name: Counselor
Vacancy: 01 | PDF File
Job Context: Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV) is a non- government, non-political, Bangladeshi organization under its Health & Nutrition programproviding lifesaving health&nutritionsupporttotheFDMNrohingya peopleofCox’sBazar.
As part of its Health & Nutrition interventions in support with WFP & UNICEF, SARPV will implement Improving Maternal and Child Nutrition (IMCN) and Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition at host Community in Cox’s Bazar.
Job Responsibilities:
A) Ensure adequate health and nutrition education and counselling sessions in the center
- Welcoming the caregivers and beneficiaries warmly.
- Explain the treatment, prevention and follow up procedures of the nutrition facility, especially regular presence and follow up of the activities.
- Explain the importance of hygiene and sanitation in the center and at home (nail cutting, hand washing procedure and timing).
- Conduct health and nutrition education and counselling sessions (breastfeeding counseling, complementary feeding, hygiene, care of pregnant and lactating women, proper advices to the caregivers and the beneficiaries on the proper way of feeding, especially for children) according to the schedule.
- To counsel the caregivers of vulnerable children (severe and moderate underweight) about the necessity of good practices to combat undernutrition.
- To encourage caregivers with children with good nutritional status, so that they would maintain the same care all the time.
- To conduct the adolescent counselling sessions.B) Mother to Mother Support Group (MtMSG) formation and session conduction
- Provide support to the Nutrition Site Supervisor and Outreach Supervisor to identify lead mothers andform Mother to Mother Support Group (MtMSG).
- Conductthesessionsaccordingtotheplanandschedule.
- Ensuregraduationofthegroupstimely.
- Ensure proper documentation (e.g. attendance, bill, session topics, resolution, minutes etc.) of the
SARPV/Cox/HR/JD/last update-December 10, 2020
C) Follow up visits in the nutrition center
- Follow up and receiving feedbacks on the previous topics of health and nutrition education and counselling sessions.
- To identify responsive beneficiaries and encourage others using positive deviance method.
- Follow up of the hygiene and sanitation rules in the center and at home.
- To inform the dates and days of next visit and explain the importance of attending within due period.D) Reporting and statistic
- Conduct rapid and full assessment according to the programme need.
- To submit a monthly report on the number of sessions occurred and number of beneficiaries attended.
- Record findings and feedback of the beneficiaries and their caregivers on health and nutrition educations.
- Evaluate the improvement of caregivers’ knowledge on health and nutrition related topics.
- To keep a daily tally on the number of responsive caregivers.
- Report any kind of problems to the Line Manager immediately.E) Others
SubmitamonthlyandweeklystatisticalreportforOTP-TSFP,GMPandSchoolactivitytothe Site Supervisor on time
Capacity building
- Facilitate sharing of lessons learned to other partners/stakeholders.
- Provideeffectivecoachingandmentoringguidance(OnJob)trainingtothecommunityworkers andvolunteers so that they can run OTP/TSFP and referral to SC smoothly.Other Responsibilities
- WorkinclosecollaborationandcoordinationwithUNICEF&WFPfieldstaffsandgivetimelyfeedbackon going activities to Site Supervisor.
- MaintainallkindsofCollaborationandcoordinationwithrespectiveCIC(CampinCharge)office.
- Collaborationandcoordinationwithotherstakeholdersatfieldlevel.
- Ensuregoodcoordinationwithmajhis,localleadersandimams.
- Activeparticipationtoandsupervisionofthecommunitymobilizationandawarenesssessionsamongthelocal population.
- EnsuremonthlycoordinationmeetingofSARPVfieldstaffsattheCamplevelwiththehelpofSitesupervisor.
- Attendweekly/biweekly/monthlymeetingatUkhia/Cox’sBazarofficeasperneed.Requirements: (Educational, Experience, Language, etc.)
Bsc in Nutrition or related discipline from recognized institution. Two years of experience in camp context.
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- Abilitytocommunicateverywellinlocal&rohingyalanguage bothverballyandwriting.
- Ability to work flexibly including weekends and willingness to travel and work in rural locations and livein basic conditions.Competency:InMicrosoftexcel,word,PowerPointandinternetbrowsingforthebasiccommunication. Employment Status: Contractual, until 31st December 2021 (renewable)
Job Location: Ukhiya & Kutupalong of Cox’s Bazar districtSalary: 57,750 BDT & other benefits will get as per organization policy.Applyprocedure:Ifthecandidatesfeelthattheirqualification,exposureandexperiencematcheswithour requirements, and they are willing to commit to our values and are sympathetic to our beliefs then please send your complete and updatedCVtocareer.sarpv@gmail.comonorbeforetheclosingdate.Please mentiononlythe”PositionName” asthesubjectofthee-mail.Interviewsareexpectedtotakeplaceina shortest time after the application deadline. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the further selection process.Application deadline: 30th January 2021Organizationinformation:SocialAssistanceandRehabilitationforthePhysicallyVulnerable(SARPV)is devoted toworkforthemostunderprivilegedandmarginalizedvulnerablegroupsofthesocietyfor their socioeconomic development to transform them as productive human resource with a dignified lifestyle. People with Disability are the prime focus of our every work. Along with the disability issue SARPVisalsointerveninginvarioussensitive issueslikepovertyeradication,educationalsupport,health service providing, establishing rights, climate change and DRM, skill development to integrate the vulnerable groups in the mainstream of society those who are leading life with uncertainty in the society.
SARPV/Cox/HR/JD/last update-December 10, 2020