At the end of February and Middle of March, SARPV had arranged two Interac ve Popular Theater (IPT) shows in both Kutupalong and Unchiprang Camps. In the show, most of the roles were played by local IPT team. Total 45 minute drama was all about importance of IYCF-E prac ce and eco- nomic e ects in family and society. Open space was used in front of Camp In Charge (CIC) o ce of Unchiprang camp 22 and play- ground near Kutupalong camp 3 as the program venue. The name of the drama was “Healthy Mother and Healthy Child”.

In Rohingya communi es, early marriage prac ces are s ll exis ng which causes conceiving during ad- olescence. The young aged mothers are not well- informed about Infant and Young Children Feeding (IYCF). They don’t even know the proper breas eeding methods or process of feeding child. Due to lack of knowledge, they usually don’t want to breas eed their child a er six months of age.

All these issues were men oned in the play. Honor- able CIC of Camp 22 Mr. Faruk Ahmed, UNICEF Site Coordinator Nasrin Sultana and Emergency Nutri- on O cer (ENO) Farhana Rahman were present in the program of Unchiprang. Along with them, Site Management O cials, other service providers, local head majhies and bene ciaries were a ended the program. For the accomplishment of the program, Government, UNICEF and other stakeholders pro- vided necessary supports.

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