10 Disabled Children of “Prodipaloy School” at Chakaria and Moheskhali Upazila under Coxsbazar district has got stipend from Social welfare department. Out of ten disabled students six from Chakaria and rest 4 were Moheskhali Prodipaloy School.
Prodipaloy is an integrated school for children with and without disabilities which journey has been started in 1991. The main objective of the school is to provide basic education for children with disabilities and non disabled students in integrated ways in school. Both of the schools are running by the support of AEM (Amis des Enfants du Monde, France) local individuals and organization and organizational general fund. To ensure the attendance of the children especially the disabled children, due to distance or others problems the school has provide van, uniforms, extra caring classes, and others logistic support. At present “Social Welfare department” contributed 18,000/= (eighteen thousand taka) as educational stipend for the students. According to 300 taka for per month each student has received 1800 taka at a time for six month (January to June 2010).