Improving Maternal and Child Nutrition (IMCN) through Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM)

The goal of the “Improving Maternal and Child Nutrition (IMCN)” project is to break the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition using a combination of preventive and curative approaches which include the detection and treatment of under nutrition of pregnant & lactating women and moderately malnourished children aged of 6-59 months of 19 Unions (Including pouroshova) of Moheshkhali Upazila and Pekua upazila under Cox’s Bazar district


To reduced excess mortality and morbidity among boys and girls under 5 years old and PLW among Host community population in cox’s Bazar

Proportion of target group accessing SAM and MAM services: TSFP 67% & OTP 58% according to last SQUEAC/coverage Survey (2019).

Curated Rate of Rickets

• We were unable to meet our screening target due to unavoidable circumstances.
• Untouched Hard reach areas couldn’t be screened completely.
• Due to covid-19 we couldn’t conduct our BCC, Courtyard & school awareness sessions.
• COVID-19 Situation
• Late supply of various nonfood item & formats


  1. Model Mothers helped in referring beneficiaries and following them up.
  2. Regular refresher’s training increased staff capacity running field level activity.
  3. Screening at EPI center’s increased relationship Govt. Staff & they can cover larger amount of community.
  4. Regular quarterly stakeholder meeting helps to continue the program smoothly.
  5. Donor visits and their feedbacks contributed in our program to run this smoothly.
  6. Proper planning & set up the target for all staffs & volunteer at the beginning of the year.
  7. Utilization of online platform would be effective in emergency.

Success Story of Umme Habiba (HYPERLINK)