Disaster is a common phenomenon in Bangladesh. PwDs have limited access during and afterdisaster and there are number of correlations between disaster and disability. Considering the facts of disaster and disability SARPV provides different mode of support directly and indirectly in its working areas.

SARPV is the first organization in Bangladesh which has extended its support to the people with disabilities during and after disaster. Field level operation started in 1991 to support the victims of a devastating cyclone at Saturia; Manikgonj. It is also in built program of SARPV. SARPV believes that proper and effective sensitization can helps to creating favourable environment for the PwDs from more vulnerable condition.

Goal: To prevent disabilities from natural and man-made disaster and mobilize concern people and authorities to respond for ensuring effective management in relation to disability and disaster.


  • Raise mass awareness on the relationship between disaster and disabilities and prepare people to respond to the regard
  • Provide technical, direct and logistic support during and after disaster
  • Trained some volunteers to work with it during disaster
  • Organized training for the community and local government people to build up capacity about the issue considering PwDs and other vulnerable groups.To know more contact with SARPV <info@sarpv.org>

Disability and Development Fund

We at Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV) work to change the life status of people living in under privileged and marginalized situations , with the support of numerous generous donors, and the persons with disability get the prime focus in every work of ours, in every setting. But from our two decades of working experience we realized, long term development of the people with disabilities is quite challenging with short term project supports. This realization gave birth to the concept of ‘Disability and Development Fund’ (DDF).

This fund is raised from donations and contributions made by individuals and organizations home and abroad. The fund provides:

  • Educational Support to students with disability
  • Surgical and Assistive Device Support to the children with disability
  • Skill Training to the person with disability on Income Generating Activities

Emergency Response after sever flood of July 7 to 26, 2012 in Chakaria and Ramu Upazila of Cox’ Bazar District with the support of CARE,AMD,KDM & Manusher Jonno Foundation

Chakaria & Ramu now is in real need of help. Heavy rain fall started from 21st of June 2012, which have continued for 6 days caused the most devastating flood in Chakaria. People never been suffered from this type of environmental imbalance in the history of their life. This flood affected everyone in every sector. It shattered all the maximum assets of the people, caused several lives, people took shelter to the cyclone center of the union with their remained assets, such as cow, goat etc. After this horrible flood people of Chakaria and RAMU became traumatized. They became so much vulnerable to run their lives. At this time SARPV initiated the step to remove or reduce their miseries. SARPV performed their moral responsibility towards the people affected by the flood.