In order to prevent further environmental and agricultural deterioration, it is imperative to promote biogas as a sustainable and clean source of energy in Bangladesh. Biagas needs only cattle dung/ poultry droppings and water, which is commonly available in the rural households of Bangladesh. Most of the appliances and materials (bricks, sands, aggregates, cement, and pipes) used for the construction of biogas plants are locally available or can be locally produced in Bangladesh. Any local literate person with some training can easily construct a biogas plant.

SARPV has been implementing a biogas program in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh since 2016 as a partner of Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) with support from the World Bank, KFW Development Bank, and SNV Netherlands Development Organization. Biagas plants not only provide gas for cooking purposes but also produce organic fertilizer for the crops and fish ponds. The program saves tons of firewood every year worth a lot and also reduces the use of chemical fertilizer. The program also helps reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) consumption per annum.

Goal: To promote renewable energy

• To save the environment, especially from soil and water pollution and to fight deforestation
• To utilize low-cost technology to encourage a circular economy
• To reduce dependency on fossil fuel, firewood and electricity
Project Area
Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar Districts

Target Group
People who are using fossil fuel, firewood, electricity for cooking, and other low productive activity.
Beneficiary Coverage
As much as possible, not fixed

Major Activities
• Awareness raising session on Biagas and Bio-fertilizer.
• Training on Biagas and Bio fertilizer plant.
• Courtyard meeting on environmental pollution.

106 Biagas plants were installed in Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar districts.

• Covid-19 was the greatest challenge last year.
• Biagas plant runs by Cow dung (Minimum 4 Cows) or Poultry litter (Minimum 500 Birds). It’s a big challenge to make available minimum numbers of Cows and Birds all the time. Cow dung-based biogas plant turns inactive if the owner sells cow.
• Because of geographical location, Biagas plants get flooded during Flash flood
• Lack of adequate financial support to execute the activities at the field level.
• Lack of awareness.
• Collecting installment amount from a beneficiary of the Loan-based Biagas plant.
• Most of the time, the Beneficiary can’t afford the construction expense.
Lesson Learned
• Awareness of the beneficiaries on proper cow rearing is needed.
• Subsidy should be provided to encourage the poor biogas users.

Biogas and Bio FertilizerMixing Device of Biagas plant